Terms and conditions

Valid from 1 st January, 2020
  1. Definitions

A reservation is when you book a product, service and / or room that is provided with or without accommodation and / or food,

The customer is the person - legal or physical - who is liable to pay for the arrangement.

Supplier means the company that delivers the arrangement.

An order value is the agreed price for the entire order or the sum of the ordered number of participants multiplied by the agreed price per participant per day, and the price for specially ordered services.

A booking intermediary is a company that arranges event bookings including or excluding the payment of the booking.


  1. Ordering 

Ordering can be done orally or in writing. The supplier shall confirm receipt of an order in writing.


  1. Advance

For larger arrangements, prepayment is applied as agreed. Invoice on prepayment is sent after booking. If the advance is not paid, the order is considered cancelled. With regard to payment, see further under 7.


  1. Special requests upon order

If the client has special wishes that affect the booking, for example the diet, handicap and so on, it must be stated already at the time of ordering.


  1. Valuable property

Each and everyone in the client's company is responsible for the property and animals that stays in the area.


  1. Cancellation 

Cancellation must be made in writing. If cancelled later than four weeks before the first day of the event/activity, the customer shall replace the supplier with 50% of the value of the order. In the event of cancellation of part of the order, the remuneration shall relate to the cancelled part.

  1. Payment 

The client is responsible for all costs according to the order. If the participants shall pay parts of the order each, this must be approval by the supplier. If participants fail to attend an ordered meal, for example, this does not entail the right to a reduction of the price.

Payment shall be made by agreement. If an agreement has been reached on payment against an invoice, the customer must issue full liquidity before arrival and according to the invoice. If an agreement has been reached on payment with Swish (or similar), the client shall issue full liquidity prior to arrival and as per booking confirmation. If payment deadlines are exceeded, the supplier is entitled to charge interest on late payment from the due date with the applicable reference rate with an addition of eight percentage points.


  1. Force major 

Härjedalsguiderna who, due to circumstances that the company could not control, such as government decisions, natural disasters, extreme weather, fires, wars or war-like conditions, errors or delays in deliveries from suppliers or similar circumstances, are unable to carry out events / activities within their operations in the manner that planned, is not required to refund any fees paid for such arrangement. It also justifies the company canceling the contract without the obligation to pay damages.

The company thus has the right to retain part or the entire fee paid for non-completed arrangements to cover the costs incurred. The company has the right to request payment of a fee for non-completed arrangements by the party who has not already paid the fee. Härjedalsguiderna are not responsible for any damage or direct or indirect costs incurred to anyone due to non-performance.


  1. Liability for property / damage

The supplier has no strict liability for property stored in the area. Should it be found that the supplier or its employees acted negligently or negligently or in any other way owed the property for damage or damage, the supplier is responsible for the lost / damaged property. Each person in the client's company is responsible for damage which he himself causes to the supplier


  1. Disputes 

If a dispute arises regarding payment, we use the order of payment and assistance at the Enforcement Authority.


  1. Booking through intermediaries 

If booking and payment is made through a booking intermediary, this company shall, without delay, keep the supplier's money separate in a separate account until payment has been made to the supplier. This company must also be accountable to the supplier for money received on behalf of the supplier.